Associate Professor
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Aarhus University, Denmark
May 2020: Our work is featured
Electric stockings to help intensive-care patients with coronavirus
Doctors and engineers have together developed an electric stocking to prevent loss of muscle mass in bed-ridden patients. During the coming months, the stocking will be tested on Danish Covid-19 patients at intensive care units in Denmark.

June 2019: Check out my posts on warning researchers about predatory conferences and how to get more girls involved in STEM fields.
The growing world of predatory conferences
The Curious Case of Creativity in STEM

June and July 2019: Month for conferences. I gave two talks in ICMAT conference in the beautiful city of Singapore. I was invited to present my work in IEEE International Nanoelectronic Conference (INEC).
The talks were titled "3D printing route for micro- and nano-electronics: materials, applications and potential" and "Application of stereolithography (SLA) for 3D printed drug delivery platform".

Jan 2019: Our research work is featured in!
Researchers from the Singapore Centre for 3D Printing School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Nanyang Technological University have published a review summarizing research on carbon nanotubes (CNT) and their use in 3D printing. The research paper titled, Directed and On-Demand Alignment of Carbon Nanotube: A Review toward 3D Printing of Electronics, categorizes the alignment methods of carbon nanotubes and summarizes various applications of the material. Furthermore, the paper discusses how the material has been used to develop improved composites and how it can contribute to the development of future devices using 3D printing.
Nov 2018: I took another small step in the direction of engaging kids in STEM (Science Technology Engineering Maths) learning by giving a technology talk to primary and secondary kids at Dover court international school. Singapore. This term the theme was ‘wearable technology.
Nov 2018: Our research work is featured in!
A trio of researchers from the Singapore Center for 3D Printing at Nanyang Technological University recently published a paper, titled “Aerosol Jet Printed Strain Sensor: Simulation Studies Analyzing the Effect of Dimension and Design on Performance,” about their work in using computational simulation to adjust the design, material, and parameters of a 3D printed strain gauge made with aerosol jet technology.
Nov 2018: gave an invited talk on “3D printing of hybrid electronic-mechanical structures” at DAAD-TUM Asia Science lecture talk in Singapore.
29 Oct 2018: I got featured by SE3D. SE3D is a National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded company providing bioprinting technology and educational solutions
5 Sept 2018: Presented my insights on “Healthcare 3D printing and beyond” at 3DHeals Singapore event. 3DHEALS community events focus on creating educational content and networking events with highly selected speakers and audiences all over the world. This was the first such event in Singapore.

26 Aug 2018: 3DHEALS community events focus on creating educational content and networking events with highly selected speakers and audiences all over the world. They featured my research and interview.

16 Aug 2018: Our paper on “Recent progress in Additive Manufacturing of Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composite” accepted in Advanced Materials Technologies.
15 June: I had the opportunity to share on "Driverless car technology" with tiny tots of Dover Court International School, Singapore

1 June 2018: Our work on 3D Printing was selected as one of the most promising upcoming technologies, to be showcased to Prime Minister of India, His Excellency Narendra Modi, on his visit to NTU on 1 June 2018
May 17, 2018: Paper “3D printed Bioelectronics Platform with Embedded Electronics” accepted for publication in MRS Advances.
May 15: Gave a talk on “Aerosol jet printed pH sensor based on carbon nanotubes for flexible electronics” at 3rd International Conference on Progress in Additive Manufacturing (Pro-AM), Singapore

4 April 2018: Gave a talk on “3D Printed Bioelectronics Platform with Embedded Electronics” at 2018 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit at Phoenix, USA
5 March: Published my article and interview with Samantha Pearlson, Nugit, Singapore for Girls in Tech blog.
6 Feb, 2018: Talked about my work on the platform for “New Frontiers in Biomedical Additive Manufacturing Symposium”, Singapore organised by TUM and TUM Asia